Thursday, 29 November 2007

Recent activies

I still havent got the hang of blogging. I think the idea is little and often but I am finding the time to keep up to date difficult. Reason being I have been very busy. Recent activities include:

Dealing with planning issues in Pulloxhill and Greenfield.
Getting involved in a sub committee on Flitton and Greenfield Parish Council on traffic issues in the villages - we are hoping to come up with some funding options for traffic calming.
Looking into options to increase the Bus service for Pulloxhill, Flitton and Greenfield which has been recently cut.
Attending the District Council Overview Committee and making arguments, which I believe where appreciated, that the Council should not sign up to long term contracts to feed the proposed Incinerator (Energy from Waste Plant by another name) but keep open the option to reduce and recycle waste.
For the same Committee coming up with suggestions for how the food waste collection could be funded through sponsorship and thereby extended to the whole District.
Attending meetings on the proposed Traveller site in Flitton and lobbying to have it removed from the list as the site proposed is unsustainable.
Assisting with the plans for Greenfield and Pulloxhill Schools becoming formerly federated.
Leafleting residents of Flitwick about the proposed Town Centre development - more on this later....