Friday, 29 May 2009

FATCRAG Hustings

I attended the Flitwick At The Crossroads Action Group meet the candidates meeting last night. All the parties were represented with candidates for Flitwick West and Flitwick East. There was much debate about the proposed Town Centre Development which has had a number of false starts and a lot of disappointment was expressed regarding the ineffective consultation that has gone on so far.

My view was that Flitwick needs to be aiming a bit higher than the current focus on what can be got out of Tesco. What is needed is a vision for the whole town. I think that Flitwick should put itself forward to become a true "Eco-Town". I was dead against the so called "Eco-Town" proposed for the green fields of the Marston Vale. It makes much more sense to upgrade the eco performance of existing housing, installing more insulation and solar panels for example. This would create local jobs. It would also attract extra Government and other funding. The environment is an area where increasingly funding and investment is being targeted.

Leighton Buzzard has been successful with the help of Beds CC in securing £1 Million for becoming a "Cycle Town" resulting in a number of initiatives to increase cycling in the town. I worked to get funding for Flitton and Greenfield for a major Carbon reduction project and whilst we were aiming again for £1 Million we did at least secure £50,000 for solar panels on the school, and now have the momentum to look for further projects in the villages.

Such an approach for Flitwick could begin to address the traffic congestion by securing funding for cycleways and better public transport. It could secure funding for improving existing buildings and houses. It could create local jobs. It would inform the debate about new developments. It would not be dependent on the likes of Tescos. Above all it would give people a new pride in the Town.

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