Monday, 25 April 2011

Job seekers in Westoning and Tingrith

"Youth on Dole in Leafy Villages" - Front page news for the Times and Citizen Thursday April 21st in the Mid Beds version. The GMB Union provided figures highlighting a large percentage of job seekers (57.1%) being aged 18 to 24 in Westoning and Tingrith, whereas in Flitton, Greenfield and Pulloxhill the proportion is 15%. The statistics an be found on the Nomis Official Labour Market Statistics website

The high percentage is alarming, however the actual numbers are less so. A dozen 18 to 24 year olds in March 2011 are signed on for jobseekers allowance out of of around 238 (this population statistic is from 2009) 18 to 24 year olds in Westoning and Tingrith. The point being made in the paper is that there are 12 jobseekers aged between 18 and 24 out of 21 jobseekers in total. But the total jobseekers are 1.3% of the working population. These are small numbers by National (3.8%) or even Mid Beds (2%)standards.

However looking deeper into the statistics it can be seen there is a steady upwards trend in total jobseekers starting in mid 2009 with a doubling of jobseekers in the period after compared with the year or two before. This can also be seen in the statistics for Flitton, Greenfield and Pulloxhill, where incidentally the numbers are almost identical with 19 jobseekers (1.2% of the working population). Over the same period the percentage of job seekers who are aged between 18 and 24 fluctuates considerably month on month but seems to be on average around 40% in Westoning and Tingrith and around 20% in Flitton, Greenfield and Pulloxhill.

So what can be concluded from all this? Well firstly there does seem to be an issue with youth unemployment in Westoning and Tingrith at least when compared with other wards in Central Beds - for example Flitton, Greenfield and Pulloxhill. Secondly it is clear that unemployment whilst not at national levels is on the increase locally and looking back over recent statistics it does seem to be increasing more quickly.

Why is this and what can done? It is difficult to work out why Westoning youth should be hardest hit. Transport may be an issue although I can vouch that public transport is much worse in Flitton, Greenfield and Pulloxhill. Perhaps the issue is more to do with the very local economy in Flitwick where there are also high percentages of youth jobseekers. Education or lack of the right kind of education may also be an issue but again it is difficult see why that would affect Westoning and not Flitton as both areas are in the same school system.

Given the recession perhaps it is no surprise that unemployment is on the increase, but why is it happening more quickly here? Perhaps one answer is that we have had it good in the past with minimal levels of people claiming jobseekers allowance, so any increase becomes significant. However it may also be that we are too dependent on the sectors of the economy which did well previously but which are now hardest hit by this recession. In which case what is needed is a more balanced local economy and one which is more sustainable - without boom and bust!

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